Released on = March 18, 2007, 2:12 pm
Press Release Author = Carrie Lauth of Natural Moms Talk Radio
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = The number of overweight children has doubled in the past 25 years. Carrie Lauth of and Susun Weed, author of Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year discussed new research that shows women who take prenatal vitamins during pregnancy can increase the susceptibility of obesity in their children.
Press Release Body = Atlanta, GA - The number of overweight children has doubled in the past 25 years. Now, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 30 percent of children are overweight or obese. Carrie Lauth ( and Susun Weed the author of Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year discussed the relatively new research that shows women who take prenatal vitamins during pregnancy, can increase the susceptibility of obesity in their children.
"Pregnant women are exposed to hundreds of compounds in foods, prenatal vitamins and the environment that could potentially methylate susceptible genes," pronounced Randy Jirtle, Ph.D. professor of radiation oncology and senior author of the study. "The effects of each compound could be beneficial or detrimental, depending upon the timing of exposure, the dose and the tissue exposed."
Today's busy lifestyles and vast economic differences can have a profound effect on the foods that pregnant women choose to eat. Some women may be too busy to stop and take the time to prepare healthy meals for themselves, while others do not have the luxury of buying the best nutritional foods available, so these same women are turning to vitamin and mineral supplements as a substitute. Susan also told Carrie about a research in Australia where women who took calcium supplements doubled their risk of breaking bones.
Rob Waterland, Ph.D., a research fellow in the Jirtle laboratory and lead author of the study says, \"Diet, nutritional supplements and other seemingly innocuous compounds can alter the development in utero to such an extent that it changes the offspring\'s characteristics for life, and potentially that of future generations. Nutritional epigenetics could, for example, explain the differences between genetically identical twins, or the disparities in the incidence of stroke between the South and the North. The possibilities are endless.\" Are you taking supplements as a substitute for nutritious food? Pregnant women are misinformed about vitamin and mineral supplements, and rather then eating a proper diet they are using supplements as a crutch that leads them to believe that it's okay to eat those "junk" foods. Carrie Lauth pronounces, \"The bottom line is that women in their childbearing years need to focus on whole foods, not gimmicky diets or supplements. Real food is the best insurance.\"
About Natural Moms Talk Radio: Carrie Lauth is a homeschooling mom to 4 young children. For the past 5 years she voluntarily provided her services to the community as a breastfeeding counselor and educator. Carrie led breastfeeding classes that taught how childbirth choices impact breastfeeding outcomes, how Moms could improve their family\'s eating habits, and helping Moms, one on one, to overcome their breastfeeding challenges. Carrie loves to discuss all aspects of natural parenting, and she is an avid reader who keeps up with current lactational science and continues to attend parenting and breastfeeding conferences regularly. For more information on Natural Moms Talk Radio, contact Carrie Lauth at 770-356-9980 or visit her website
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Contact Details = Contact: Carrie Lauth Address: 4930 N Wexford Rd Atlanta GA 30349 Phone: 770-356-9980 E-mail: Website:
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